Fabulous Landscape Design Tips for Your Yard this Spring
Fabulous Landscape Design Tips for Your Yard this Spring
Spring has sprung. The flowers are in bloom, bees are buzzing about, and you will soon see your first butterfly of the year.
Summer is right around the corner, so you better get ready!
If you want your home to look its best this summer, then the time to prepare your yard is right now.
Superior landscaping can make your yard more beautiful, appear bigger, and give your home more utility.
If you want to upgrade your yard in a big way, then follow the expert landscape design tips we have assembled below.
Expert Landscape Tips for Amateurs
You don’t need to be a lawn expert to have a beautiful yard this summer. Take it from the pros: simple efforts every weekend will take your yard to places you never dreamed of before.
Below are some pro tips that anyone can use to enhance their landscape.
Location is everything
Perhaps you’ve heard the old real estate adage on home value? Location, location, location. The same is true for your yard. Look at sun and wind patterns. They will help determine where you will want to spend most of your time. The best spaces for gardens tend to be sunny but protected from the wind. The best lounging spots tend to be shady and cool. Think about what you want to use your yard for and plan your locations accordingly.
Small Projects take Priority
Don’t dive in headfirst! Stick your toe in the water to see what feels comfortable to you. You will accomplish much more this spring if you pursue smaller projects over larger ones. How can your smaller projects come together to make big changes? Create a master plan and break it down into smaller steps. Maybe start by installing a flower bed, or a fire pit. Then move on to the bigger goals later. You are less likely to take shortcuts or get sloppy when you break your projects into bite-sized goals.
Edging Makes a Statement
So, you want a dramatic new look this summer, but you don’t have the time or budget to truly do something revolutionary? You’re not alone! Consider upgrading your edging to give your yard an eye-popping new look. Check out your gardens and walkways. If they are not clearly defined or they have faded and become overgrown, then it may be time for an upgrade. Edging is low maintenance, and highly effective at infusing life into your yard.
Take it One Tree at a Time
Trees and shrubs add unique beauty and excellent coverage to your yard. But don’t get too ambitious. If you are looking for new trees and shrubs this summer, start with one tree you like and wait for it to settle in before you start adding more. Choose a tree that adds an interesting, texture, color, or shape to your yard. Before planting, research what types of trees do best in your climate. You want your tree to thrive for years to come.
Mulch adds Color and Character
If your yard is looking a bit dull or monotonous then mulch may be the answer. The right mulch can give your yard a colorful punch that you won't find elsewhere. Beyond color, mulch can give much-needed texture to make your yard more visually interesting. Look to install mulch around trees, near walkways, or in flower beds.
Keep an Open Mind
You never know what you will like. Sometimes to find something that we truly love, we must take a risk or two. This spring, be willing to experiment and break your taste. Is there a new trend that is totally against your style? Maybe this year is the perfect time to try! Keep your mind open to the possibilities. Nothing is worse than living your life in a bubble. Feel free to be spontaneous and unique, you might just surprise yourself.
This Summer Belongs to You!
Ready or not, summer is right around the corner.
Whether you are planning for a minor landscape redesign, a dramatic hardscape infusion, or a complete overhaul, Lebanon Lawn and Landscape is here to help you.
You can already picture the crackling of your first fire on a cool summer’s night, the taste of a freshly grilled burger on your new grill, and the jovial laughter of your friends and loved ones as they congregate on your outdoor furniture for the first time.
Ready to make it a reality? We have the skills and expertise to help ensure this is a summer to remember.