How to Keep Your Yard Green While Saving Water
How to Keep Your Yard Green While Saving Water
There is nothing worse than a dry, brown lawn, especially if you have a beautiful home.
However, the last thing you want to do is waste hundreds of gallons of water per year just to keep your lawn green.
Many homeowners find themselves overwatering their lawn in an attempt to keep it green.
However, overwatering doesn't make your lawn any greener. Too much water can kill grass, leading to dead, brown patches.
Water is a limited resource for many communities. While the temptation to overwater is a real urge, homeowners must combat their desire.
The path to a green lawn is a careful, measured approach. Too much water can do more harm than good.
In this post, we will give you a few tips on how to keep your grass green while conserving water.
Tips for a Healthy Lawn
A green, healthy lawn is a smart and achievable goal for any homeowner.
However, it is not easy to meet his goal without overwatering.
Below are some tips for fostering a green yard without wasting water.
Check your irrigation system for leaks.
If you have sprinklers or another irrigation system, you may be losing water right now.
An irrigation system with a leak decreases water pressure and wastes water.
Want a greener lawn? Get rid of leaks now.
Aerate your lawn.
Aeration is an easy step to miss in the spring.
Aeration helps prevent water runoff and helps your soil better retain water.
Choose the right time of day to water.
Are you watering your lawn during the hottest part of the day? If yes, then you are throwing away water to evaporation.
A hot sun steals water from your yard. Your sprinklers should be in use at dawn and dusk when the sun is less intense, and the air is cool.
Be smart about when you turn your sprinklers on, and your yard will be all the greener.
Measure your next watering session.
Next time you water your lawn, be sure to collect some water for a realistic measurement of how much water you are using.
You may be overwatering and not know it.
Remove weeds.
Weeds soak up an undue amount of water and steal resources from your grass.
Pull them up when they appear and take action to prevent their return.
Set your mower to the right height.
If you are trimming your grass too short, then you expose the insides of the blade, allowing the water within to evaporate.
Set your mower to a height of two inches and your grass will retain more water.
Install a smart watering system.
Smart watering systems take advantage of modern technology to measure precisely how much water your lawn is getting.
Smart systems tell you exactly how much water your lawn needs to prevent waste.
A Healthy Lawn Makes a Healthy Home
There’s nothing quite like the sight of a fresh green lawn.
The best way to maintain a pristine lawn is through proper watering techniques.
Overwatering can be just as bad for your lawn as underwatering.
If you are ready to take the next step in lawn health, reach out to Lebanon Lawn and Landscape.
Only Lebanon Lawn and Landscape has the skills, tools, and expertise to give you the lawn you have always dreamed of.